My favorite quote from C.S. Lewis

"God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pains: it is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world." -- C.S. Lewis



Today you were born. 13 years ago. I was one week into my 18Th year. So young, unknowing and downright terrified. 22 hours of drugs...completely naive to the power my own body possessed as I labored you into this world. 3:21 pm, Tuesday, May 7Th, 1996. My life changed forever. In so many ways. So many adjustments. So many sleepless nights as we walked the path of your newborn life together. Alone. You, me and our heavenly Father. Sleepless, nervous, scared, overjoyed and overwhelmed were a few waves of emotion I felt in those first months and many more after that. Now, 13 years later, as I write this I try to catch my breath. So many ups and downs, hills and valleys we have crossed and travelled together. Your life has experienced more than most. We lived many places (some that were not even meant to be lived in), Moved 23 times (did I get the number right?), drove old "beaters", you went to school in the "bad" neighborhood, stood in food pantry lines, saw a lot and heard a lot. Through it all you always had that quiet strength about you. That set determination and ability to "see right through" another person or circumstance. There is no fooling you is there? :) You are extremely organized, artistic and crafty with a flair for color and fashion. You have a servants heart that extends deeply into the lives of your siblings and extended family. Your ability to jump in and help me out of any situation I find myself in (on a daily basis) with the kids and housekeeping never ceases to amaze me. Your heart is after the things of the Lord and He echoes yours through your many Prophetic giftings and insights. You inspire me. I am SO very, absolutely, incredibly grateful for every moment that we have shared together. Through life's so many ups and downs we have always come out on top. Only by His mercy and Grace and unending love, of this you and I both know. Life has changed over the past few years. We have a home, you have a "dad", you have me more than you ever have. I have you, I wouldn't change a thing,

I love you Taylor,
Mom <3


My Little Men

I love these boys. They are my angels. I never thought having boys could be so much fun! Just thought I'd share :)


I need a second fridge...

Today we got the whole fam together and headed out to our 4H garden. Husband has needed to help for some time now in putting up a fence. It was a beautiful day to be outside. I have to tell you that I like nothing more than seeing my kids hard at work, it builds character. Pulling out all the old dead plants (that got hit by the freeze) to make room for new growing things is exciting to say the least (Gosh I sound like Ma Ingalls now). Watching the kids shovel manure is humurous as well. It was a very productive day.
Here is husband putting up said fence, of course it has to be just right and all - I do love to see my man hard at work!

Here is a sink shot of what we pulled out. Can I tell you how excited I am about the beet tops? These ones are destined for some juicing indeed!

Since you just love seeing pictures of vegetables and since I'm on a roll here I had to post one of just a SAMPLING of what we picked up at organic co-op on Wednesday. My fridge runneth over. I know Im strange. Produce just makes me happy. Must be some strange italian gene or something.


Living in the Land

We recently moved Nursing Addict into the "boys room". He now sleeps in the crib and big brother is in the queen. It is amazing to me how fast they grow. When I went into my bedroom last night to have my devotion time it was sad to see the co sleeper empty next to my bed. My little man (and probably my last baby) has moved out! While I settled in to my special place that I had missed for so many months since youngest arrived, I realized how much I craved this time with Jesus. Over the last 5 months my "quiet time" has consisted of an open Bible on top of the island. As I go through my day I snag a few verses at time and keep going. Its been about the only way that I can get a few moments in the Word aside from our family devotions. The Lord led me to this excerpt in Psalm 37:3-6 (NCV) "Trust in the Lord and do good. Live in the land and feed on truth. Enjoy serving the Lord, and He will give you what you want. Depend on the Lord; trust him and He will take care of you. Then your goodness will shine like the sun and your fairness like the noonday sun." Live in the land? My father was showing me and continues to even as I write this, that Living in the Land is ever changing. Living in His land and his goodness is so rewarding, refreshing and comforting. Even as my land changes around me, every second it seems, He is right there leading me to see things from His perspective. I want my land to be inviting to others, full of love, warm memories and deep relationships with family and friends. I want to live in the Land of my Fathers goodness.



My youngest daughter is in L.O.V.E. Friday we had the opportunity with TGIF playgroup, to go and spend the afternoon with Saddle up Riding Club. It was such a wonderful time of fellowship and fun. Hopefully this will open a door for sweetie pie to fulfill her unending devotion to equines...
ALSO - Last night was amazing! We went to see our church group IDC perform Awakening Acts - a MUST see! It was the first time our whole family went and I was literally BLOWN away! This is the promo link! They will be touring parts of Florida and up the NE coast in the coming months. The Burning HAS come!


Chicken Pox and Spaghetti Squash

These days everyone thinks chicken pox are like, a death sentence or something. I remember having the wretched little buggers when I was 13. I thought I would die. Not just for the fact I was miserable for about 3 days, but the cosmetic price I had to pay was far worse being a junior higher and all. BUT I survived and lived to tell about it. 2009 brought our house just such a visitor starting with youngest daughter. I have to TRUTHFULLY admit that it totally threw me off, for about two weeks. I knew it was inevitable that my daily routine would be thrown off for WEEKS to come and I really feared the worst. How totally un trusting of me. I mean hello, did I forget that I have a God to run to in these situations, ESPECIALLY sickness?? After I calmed down and shut up and actually let Him TEACH me through this I realized quite a few things. Jesus is so extremely awesome. He NEVER lets me down. I have to let go of controlling things on a daily basis and He really does work everything out for the GOOD of those who love Him (and I do!) Its now January 26th. We have been in a constant state of chicken pox. I laugh now. Its hilarious really. Its actually been fun, no really FUN, chicken pox parties and all. My dear, ever loving Savior really had mercy on us - Youngest daughter had it the worst - and even the doctor said it was really a light case, and the two boys came down with it within two days of each other, they both had under 20 each - God is SO Good! I think its wonderful - as I feel my spirit swell with emotion (cornball) - I can feel so much love from my Daddy over this - HE IS SO GOOD TO ME - I'm convinced He likes me the best ;)) ...

Heres a pic - my two chicken boys...Whats going on with that face Nursing addict??!!

Just had to throw this one in too, Im DYING of CUTENESS!

I made a lasagna with my spaghetti squash and I got the idea for it here . Oh how I do love Allrecipes, it is "go to" for food inspiration. Especially at 4:30 after schooling and craziness all day and then, SHOOT what AM I going to make for dinner. You have to love it, you probably already do. Anyway, I did alter the recipe alot and finally just made it the way I do my normal lasagna and it was HEAVEN! I think we will even grow the lovelys in our garden next...



This morning my Oldest and I were hanging around shooting the breeze and she says, "hey mom, why don’t you start a blog?" So I think for a moment...heck why not, everyone else I know has one, so here I am joining the masses in the world of blogging. Recently I’ve had the pleasure of perusing quite a many different blog-walks-of-life and have been most pleasantly surprised, with Pioneer Woman .It was physically impossible for me to tear myself away from her "black heels" saga (waddya think Trace?). While most of you who know me will concede that I am far from the latter, I have to say that the inspiration I have gleaned over the last few days has made me wonder a lot about myself. While I am not technically on the old Oklahoma frontier I can relate to oh so many similarities between me and her - four kids, loads of inhumane laundry, a love for cooking, yada yada - Go read.

This morning my oldest - she has a thing for baking - and I took a vacation from healthy eating and delighted ourselves in Russian Tea Cakes - Oh the sinful creatures they are.

(note in the picture my yellow spaghetti squash - his fate is decided for tonight, more on that later - YUM) . Well that’s all for now. Nursing Addict calls and I must answer.